PS-039DokuPIK – Pharmaceutical interventions: Do ward pharmacists know how to document?Background The internet-based categorical, hierarchical documentation system for routine pharmaceutical interventions (PIs) DokuPIK is widely used especially among German ward-based pharmacists. Purpose To conduct a ...
These models take muscle stiffness changes into account based on different approaches. In the forward dynamic approach, a shape change resulting from the 3D contraction simulation leads to an increase in stiffness. The Active THUMS contains multiple 3D skeletal muscle reconstructed from MRI data that ...
Our argument here is that it can’t—that as long as medicine remains trapped within the “dichotomous twosome” of objective and subjective forms of knowledge, it will be ill-equipped to understand the increase in CPM use. Thus our goal is to make a case for the shift in self-understandi...
The present narratives among professionals are so varying regarding the role of sign language in a deaf child’s language and cognitive development that they contribute to parents’ confusion and frustration. But parents are capable of more than they are given credit for when it comes to seeing w...
Judy Clarke, of Victoria, Newfoundland said that she will never get back to the place she was once in 11 Comments February 24, 2025Canada Canada's doctors can't practise anywhere in the country due to interprovincial barriers The Canadian Medical ...
We'll announce the two poll results next week since the audio got completely distorted for a few stories including the poll. We'll also try and make the episode extra long to compensate. We're sorry! The Rails Envy podcast is sponsored this week by Sun Microsystems, bringing you a ...
I bet you find out that you will take the club back way too far when you start. Hard to not go past parallel. It's a short shot; smooth transition. “We don’t stop playing the game because we get old; we get old because we stop playing the game.” Shankster 39,039 17....