i.e. on the neutron rich side of the line of stability, half-life data are generally better known and the respective number ofT1/2determinations is larger. This is especially true for isotopes of the actinide series, where large effort has been put to improve decay data for the nuclear...
20 mSv/yr (2,000 mrem) averaged over five years is the limit for radiological personnel such as employees in the nuclear industry, uranium or mineral sands miners and hospital workers (who are all closely monitored). 10-12 mSv (1,000-1,200 mrem) in one dose is the equivalent of a fu...
A bottom rating indicates the company is involved in the design, construction or operation of nuclear power stations, radioactive waste handling and/or the mining, processing, or reprocessing of uranium. It also may indicate the production of other nuclear-related equipment, such as monitoring facil...
These are the single most well-preserved remains of horses and a chariot, and it's unlikely that a better one will ever be discovered. The Thracians were a group of Indo-European tribes that spread across Eastern Europe. It's believed that the first Greek Thracian colonies...
If the aliens wonder how long the Voyager they find has been traveling, they can examine the piece of uranium-238 attached to the main bus near the record. Examining the isotope ratios (assuming they know the half-life of uranium-238), they could then deduce how long the sample had been...