This prediction is also supported by moral foundations theory (MFT; Haidt,2007). MFT explains moral reactions to negative events in both interpersonal (Graham et al.,2018) and marketing domains (Kübler et al.,2020). According to MFT, individuals assess the morality of actions based on five m...
L. Skinner, Theory of photon echoes and hole burning in low temperature glasses: How good are the standard approximations?, J. Chem. Phys. 107, 7630 (1997).Theory of photon echoes and hole burning in low temperature glasses: how good are the standard approximations?. Geva, Eitan,Skinner, ...
The Appelmans protocol is currently used to expand phage host range. It relies on serial passages of co-infection using a continuous culture of a trained phage with the same original wild-type host at each passage [23]. The protocol showed promising results to expand the host range of P....
SSHS serves as a catalyst for the advancement of students’ knowledge and skills in the STEM domain. However, it is not clear whether the inquiry-based instructional approach employed by Science Academies will contribute to enhanced creative productivity. Theoretically, the integration of inquiry-...