Tang, X.G.; Li, H.P.; Desai, A.R.; Nagy, Z.; Luo, J.H.; Kolb, T.E.; Olioso, A.; Xu, X.B.; Yao, L.; Kutsch, W.; et al. How is water-use efficiency of terrestrial ecosystems distributed and changing on earth? Sci. Rep-UK 2014, doi:10.1038/srep07483....
How is water-use efficiency of terrestrial ecosystems distributed and changing on Earth? Scientific Reports, 4: 7483-7483. doi: 10.1038/srep07483Tang, X., et al . 2014 . How is water-use efficiency of terrestrial ecosystems distributed and changing on Earth? Scientific Reports 4 : 7483 ....
How is energy from the Sun distributed around Earth? Solar Radiation: Solar radiation reaches Earth primarily in the visible wavelengths, since that is how it is emitted by the sun (due to the sun's temperature). Ultraviolet and even some shorter wavelengths also reach Earth, though most is ...
The latitudinal trends of global WUE for Earth's major plant functional types reveal two peaks in the Northern Hemisphere not detected by ground-based measurements. One peak is located at 20° ~ 30°N and the other extends a little farther north than 51°N. Finally, long-term spatiotemporal...
Earthquake nests are volumes of the Earth characterised by high, persistent and spatially isolated seismic activity58. The Bucaramanga nest, Colombia, is the most dense seismic nest on Earth59. There, an average of 8 events per year (with body wave magnitudes larger than mb 4.7)60within a com...
Secret manager trick of hiring data scientists- Convince them that what they're doing is machine learning. Book Summary of "Who: The A Method for Hiring"- The essential ofWho, a popular bookon recruiting executives. “It's true that not all developers make positive contributions, however, I...
In the past there have been studies that show the biofilms actually grow and accumulate more in space than on Earth, which is kind of surprising. They grow thicker; they have different forms. The goal of this project is to study how biofilms grow in space. Why do they get all these dif...
We consider the supply of water from the reservoir as the endowment, and the claims are the amounts required by the owners of the plots based on their past demands (when there was no drought). Now, due to scarcity, the available water is not enough to satisfy the agents’ claims. In ...
3.1.1. Adaptive Management of Mountain Catchments for Water Security Water is an essential resource that sustains almost all life on Earth. Southern Africa’s water towers support millions of people in the region [40,41]. While climate scenarios show a significant decline in available water resou...
Irrigation is the artificial application of controlled amounts of water to the soil to replace the water consumed by agricultural crops [6]. Irrigation directly affects the plant’s growth, yield, and quality of products, playing a key role in Mediterranean climate-type zones [7]. In Chile, ...