Mandy Sleight is a writer for MoneyGeek and has been an insurance agent since 2005. As a freelance writer, she uses her vast knowledge of the insurance industry to create informative, engaging and easy-to-understand content for consumers. Her work has been featured in Market Watch, Kiplinger ...
Coinbase’s fee schedules are tier-based: the higher the volume you trade in your account, the lower your fee on subsequent trades (once the next volume tier for the currency pair is reached). Other fee considerations: Fees are charged on a per-trade basis. Fees are calculated as a perc...
Then, the air quality improvement rate was calculated by comparing the observed and simulated AQI values for the lockdown periods as shown in eq. (2).(2)‐Δ=AQIobserved‐AQIsimulatedAQIsimulated×100%where Δ is the percentage change in AQI from simulated values to observed values during the...
[SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Connection is busy with results for another command [closed] [win 10, c#] Interop - Generic way to know if a window is Minimized, Maximized or Normal? [Y/N] Prompt C# \r\n not working! \t is not working but \n does #C code to Read the sectors on...
AirportHHIit: HHI index for endpoint airports of route i at time t, calculated using airline share; • OwnHubij: dummy variable equals 1 if one of the OD cities on route i is the airline j’s hub airport; • κd: the departure city and arrival city fixed effects; • ζi: the...
individual and personalized treatment is needed to reduce overdosing. Pharmaceutical doses should be calculated individually per patient mass, sex, health, age, genetics and sensitivity. Such a solution is already starting around the world (Cree2013; Cutica et al.2014; Cenci2016). Less hazardous ...
Here is a Christmas brain cracker for our DAX specialists! I want to create a DAX measure that calculates the percentage of values per category in a table to the total of that table, with the following custom rounding: - All percentages need to be rounded down to the nearest integer....
The precise knowledge of the nuclear properties, in particular half-lives, transition probabilities and branching ratios as well as cross sections of a variety of nuclear – mainly neutron- and charged-particle-induced – reactions of these isotopes is a precondition for the evaluation of scientific...
The metric Δ is presented to quantify the overlap in chemical space between two molecular datasets using PCA calculated with some of the iPPI-specific descriptors cited above. The use of this metric has not only confirmed a high discrepancy among the different PPI targets, but more importantly ...
The parameter n is directly dependent on the Poisson's ratio v and can be calculated by the relation v n= . 2v − 1 (7) In the functional, the term 1 n J −nbj − 1 defines the penalty term of pressure. From Eq. (6), the principal Cauchy stress components σa can be...