15、n the size of an atom.因此,为了倾听引力波So, to listenfor gravitational waves,科学家们建造了地球上最灵敏的scientists built the mostsensitive measuring device on测量设备the planet.这是LIGOThis is LIGO,激光干涉引力波天文台the Laser InterferometerGravitational-Wave Observatory,两个巨大的探测器分别...
For noncontact flatness measurements, the Indars Flatness Measurement Interferometer is an ideal instrument for thin, transparent wafers, windows and substrates. The schematic is the top view of the flatness interferometer apparatus with vertical positioning of a thin transparent wafer (1) and precision...
We have demonstrated that in order to understand how a simple division-of-amplitude interferometer works it is necessary to consider the difference between two kinds of reflection, that from a change from high to low refractive index and that from a change from low to high refractive index. ...
Instead, together they form what is known as an interferometer, which describes how they operate as a single unit or as several smaller units, combining their light using a technique known as aperture synthesis. As the name suggests, this "synthesizes" a giant-aperture telescope equivalent to ...
N. Spin wave interferometer employing a local nonuniformity of the effective magnetic field. J. Appl. Phys. 101, 113919 (2007). 12. Kostylev, M. P. et al. Dipole-exchange propagating spin-wave modes in metallic ferromagnetic stripes. Phys. Rev. B 76, 054422 (2007). 13. Bu¨ttner, ...