An understanding of how Earth's oceans were formed must begin with an examination of how our solar system developed. Scientists believe our solar system began forming as a huge cloud of dust that collapsed to form a sun surrounded by a flat disk of particles rotating around it, This disk-th...
接下来,当英国发生了很大的空气污染之后,对于煤炭的使用就越来越少,同时也伴随着工业慢慢撤离英国。 Passage4How Earth’s Oceans Formed地球的海洋如何形成 (重复2021.11.27,2019.10.12,2019.01.05,2016.10.29) 文章前半部分都首先介绍地球的形成过程;文章后半部分描写海洋的形成...
今天阅读三篇文章是:Habitat Selection by Birds (鸟类的栖息地选择),Transportation and American Development (交通和美国的发展),和How Earth’s Oceans Formed (地球海洋如何形成)。 托福阅读第1篇话题重复2014.05.17 Habitat Selection和2013.03.30 Habitat Selection of Animals;第2篇话题重复2016.08.27 Impact of...
TF006-Origins of Earth’s Salty Oceans 00:26 TF007-Regulation of Body Temperature 00:24 TF008-Latin America in the Nineteenth Century 00:23 TF009-The Meaning of Upper Paleolithic Art 00:20 TF010-The Roots of Economic Transformation in England 00:16 TF011-Understanding Insects through...
3.How Earth’s Oceans Formed 根据标题小伙伴们就知道文章会讨论地球上的海洋是如何形成的。那作者的展开逻辑呢,首先是说明地球形成了,这是海洋形成基础呀。之后呢,介绍关于海洋形成传统的解释(注意啦,出现“传统的”一般都是不对滴,后文会有更新的理论,起码是可以推翻“传统的”理论):火山喷发释放的气体预冷形...
MALE PROFESSOR: Now, over the next few weeks we’re gonna focus on carbon, and its role in what's known as the greenhouse effect.Everyone knows what that is, right?But let’s make sure, anyway.Yes, Carly? FEMALE STUDENT: The greenhouse effect is when gases in Earth's atmosphere act ...