One easy solution would be to build a 1-foot by 1-foot box and fill it with a DieHard battery from Sears! Or fill it with as many 9-volt Duracells as you can and wire them together. But that probably violates the spirit of the contest. How Batteries Workcontains three different type...
Dave Mosher
If it travelsaway fromthe Sun, it moves against the Sun’s gravity and slows down. This is similar to a ball slowing down as it rolls uphill. The spacecraft could give itself a boost by firing its rocket. But a rocket can only carry so much fuel before it becomes too heavy to leave...
When the orbit is closer to the sun than the Earth’s orbit the asteroid has a smaller orbital period, or equivalently it has a larger velocity. It will eventually catch up with the Earth, but it is not necessarily gravitationally drawn into the Earth. It interacts with the Earth’s grav...
Human beings live on the earth, it is inevitable that there will be some natural disasters, such as earthquake, flood, tsunami and so on. I just learned a lot of knowledge in the Shaoxing science and Technology Museum, lets learn about the earthquake! Earthquake is the continuous movement of...
This movement of air over the surface of the wing generates lift, the force that counters gravity and keeps the glider aloft. Once aloft, gravity (the weight of the hang glider and pilot) pulls the glider back toward Earth and propels the glider forward, continually causing air to flow ...
The gain in kinetic energy is due to the work done by gravity (also can be thought of as loss in potential energy). Work = (mg)(Δh) = 0.17 (9.8) (14) = 23.324 N Upvote • 0 Downvote Add comment Still looking for help? Get the right answer, fast. Ask a question for free...
How does a wingsuit allow the wearer to achieve the required lift? We'll find out next. Suit Up If you have sufficient skydiving experience under your belt, your first step in becoming a wingsuit flyer is to purchase a basic suit. While you can purchase a beginner's suit for around $...
QuestionWhy do we have a "Law of Gravity" but not a "Theory of Gravity?" Is anyone working on one?Mike Todd, MAT Student, Iowa State University, Ames, IowaAnswerBefore tackling your question let's first get at the distinction between law and theory.In general terms a law in science is...
What Astronauts Do in Space and on Earth Astronauts play a crucial role in NASA's scientific research. "Our job is to work together with people from all over the world to build vehicles and spacecraft to safely live in the space environment to explore the Universe," Me...