How is South Africa going to implement NHI when corruption is so rampant?doi:10.7196/SAJBL.2022.v15i3.741SOUTH AfricaCORRUPTIONPOLITICAL corruptionDhai, AmesSouth African Journal of Bioethics & Law
One respondent explained that in bewitching, “someone does not wish you well, so they go to a local person who does witchcraft—a man or woman—who does a certain ritual and then the person has a mental breakdown.” In contrast, “being cursed is because somebody did something wrong in ...
The majority of Dinka practicetraditional religionswhose central theme is the worship of a high god through the totem, ancestral spirits, and a number of deities. The high god is called Nhiali and he is the source of sustenance. Deng is the most noteworthy of the lower gods and Abuk is ...
aose tmcfah hFpiesi fpgscaiueoocanrtnerots rr1a sfTupoatphri leoeeiannatr ceo oh.tafa Tsftl ahhavcee ta olivirnrni.afa elTrut.i ihaeoTentnhi ctoeoiinn stvageoal xffrvaipCaacltrtOaoiioair2nntsi e eoaodmnpf p biisCsey ...
This paper provides an in-depth study of how incremental innovation, a ubiquitous factor, affects the sustainability of performance of small- and large-sized firms differently. Specifically, this work examines the sustainability of firm growth in natural resource industries. In these industries, innovat...
Introduction In order to produce agricultural products, a piece of land is needed to plant the crops, nutrients, and water are needed to let them grow, and work is needed to plant, manage, and harvest them. These are the main agricultural inputs: land, water, nutrients, and work. Work ...
2.1. Positioning on Circular Economy Definitions: Prerequisite for the Rest of This Article A good understanding of the main definitions of circular economy proposed by major organizations and academics, and positioning ongoing work in relation to these definitions, are suitable as a first step before...
7.5.2. The Noble Figure as the Extended Self: Clothing as a Replication of Sacred Celebrity The question is how does the religious extended self develop during the four-month period in jamaat? My involvement in the sojourns shows that the social subculture within the jamaat plays an important...