How does Iago manipulate Othello? Dramatic Irony: Shakespeare creates a subtle and clever villain in the character of Iago, who is seen by Othello as honest, good, and loyal. Meanwhile, the audience is privy to Iago's other conversations and thoughts, so it is clear to the reader or viewe...
How Does Iago Manage to Corrupt Othello Othello is one of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies‚ involving the manipulating Iago and the virtuous Desdemona. Iago ‚ who is a central figure in this play‚ uses different techniques to corrupt the protagonist of the play ‚ Othello. While it ...
POZO, JULIA BORRELLGreat Books Symposium Journal
but are instead motivated by selfish gain. Because of this they usually make reluctant heroes in a story and are only motivated to help others if they can gain from it personally, as a last resort, or if they are personally impacted and against their “better” judgment. ...
How is Iago presented in Othello?VillainsAs the old saying goes, every good story need a villain. While villains have changed very much in modern literature, in past centuries they were somewhat standard, or the stereotypical "bad guy."
Cefalu, Paul A