How to Build a Five-foot-tall Jacob's Ladder: This classic climbing arc completes any mad scientist's dungeon. Don't touch the electrodes: they're at 12 kV!
If you already have a Greek valerian plant, it will self-seed on its own from seeds dropped from flower heads. You can also collect the seeds to replant elsewhere. Jacob's ladder can bedirect seededin either spring or fall. Take these quick steps: Loosely cover the seed with soil. Wate...
[B. Narayanan, P. C. Redfern, R. S. Assary and L. A. Curtiss, Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 7449] to evaluate the performance of 14 representative DFT methods across the rungs of Jacob's ladder (namely, PBE, BLYP, B97-D, M06-L, 蟿-HCTH, PBE0, B3LYP, B3PW91, 蠅B97X-D, 蟿-...
Delays in communication can cause frustration, sometimes leading parents to get administrators involved. While that's warranted occasionally, McNeiley recommends parents give the teacher every opportunity to respond before escalating the conversation up the ladder. "You want the teacher to feel that you...
Short stories are often a fiction writer’s first introduction to writing, but they can be frustrating to write and difficult to master. How do you fit everything that makes a great story into something so short? And then, once you do finish a short story you’re proud of, what do you...