@ Church – Rev. 2 Thyatira “the rest of you…who do not hold to this teaching of Satan” Hearing from God – Word & Spirit ministry (Rudder/Sail) 1. God spoke hurricane wind -Noah, Moses, & Elijah rain after 3 yrs (1 Ki. 18:45) 2. God spoke earthquake – Moses, Jonathan, ...
How God becomes real: kindling the presence of invisible othersdoi:10.1590/0100-85872021v41n3res02Rolemberg, IgorReligio e Sociedade
As Christians, we want to experience God through the Bible… we really do!But our good intentions fall flat when reading the Bible just doesn’t seem to help us experience God in a real way. What should feel dynamic and important and alive often feels confusing and boring and irrelevant. ...
But most importantly, as parents we can instill within our children the realization that they don’t have to experience God’s love the same way others do. If they don’t feel God’s love as you or their siblings or kids in their youth group do, that’s OK. God created your teen t...
Let’s Have a Conversation: Where do you find yourself in the process of letting your adult children go? Where are you on the journey to finding yourself in your sixties? Please share your thoughts below!
Can HGH Make You Feel Younger? And How To Do It? The ageing process doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s difficult to say for sure if HGH injections could turn back the clock. However, some people report that taking HGH can make them feel like they’re getting younger. This is due ...
Let’s get back to my original question: Does God expect you and me to read the whole Bible? Short answer: Absolutely. A longer answer: Of course He does. He gave us a book. Why would He do that, and not expect us to read all of it? An even longer answer: The benefits of rea...
Last week, X’s visible presence on my phone was an icon buried in the all-apps list, past where I’d usually scroll in that alphabetical index. This week, X’s icon is lodged next to the calendar widget on one of my home screens, ensuring I’m frequently reminded of that toxic pla...
How to Walk Before God, Or, the Holy Exercise of the Presence of God的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言 + 加入购书单 谁读这本书? ··· 二手市场 ··· 在豆瓣转让 手里有一本闲着? 订阅关于How to Walk Before God, Or, the Holy Exercise of the...
aCarrie Underwood is a true inspiration... without her I would not have realized God's existence. I have never been religious, but I'm glad I finally acknowledge Gods' presence. #VeryBlessed# No words can explain how thankful I am, I hope my existence will last 当然… Carrie丛林。 不仅...