How Bulgaria saved its Jews from Nazi concentration camps (Posted 2013-05-14 17:20:15) ; When the trains came to take their neighbors away, Bulgarians spoke up to stop the deportations.Moyer, Justin
Beyond belief: as the daily life of Berlin's Jews became ever more difficult under the Nazi regime, rumour and hearsay grew about the fate of those 'evacuated' to the east. How much, asks Roger Moorhouse, did ordinary Berliners know about the fate of their ...
On Ross's Hitler in Los Angeles: How Jews Foiled Nazi Plots Against Hollywood and America Hitler...Brook, VincentWayne State University PressJewish Film & New Media
It concludes by suggesting that if during the 1950s there was a dropping off of publications about the Nazi persecution and mass murder of the Jews, this may have been because the market was satiated.DAVID CESARANIJewish Culture and History...