The year 2023 is already half way through. Recently, various departments have successively released economic data for the first half of the year. How was China's economic performance in the first half of the year? What are the new changes and features? The reporter interviewed several authoritat...
Economic growth caused by the development of China's market economy along modern lines in the coastal provinces; Challenges to the consensus associated with the Michigan school who concluded that the economic changes were inconsequential.MyersRamon...
However, in the late 1960s, a group of economists who were staunchmonetarists, led byMilton FriedmanandEdmund Phelps, argued that the Phillips curve does not apply over the long term. They contended that over the long run, the economy tends to revert to the natural rate of unemployment as ...
in a homebody economy, as they regularly venture out for day-to-day activities. In Japan, the shock to loyalty was notably smaller: while in all other countries, more than half of consumers made a change, in Japan only about a third of consumers did. ...
We have found that digitization has not yet reached scale, with a majority of the economy still not digitized. The McKinsey Global Institute has calculated thatEurope overall operates at only 12 percent of digital potential, and the United States at 18 percent, with large sectors lagging in both...
In today’s economy, I just haven’t been able to save enough money to build a home and can’t take on another loan. I currently have a Student Loan that is a little over $100k where I sent my youngest daughter to college for 4-years starting back in 2009. I have just paid $...
” Whether it’s teaming up with specific banks to help qualified buyers, which Richardson did in the 1980s, or partnering with investors interested inhouse flipping, which many agents did during the Great Recession, you have to adjust your strategy to find the right clients you can work with...
(Reuters) - The job losses suffered in March as the U.S. economy shut down in the face of the novel coronavirus pandemic were widespread but still were disproportionately felt in a handful of employment sectors and by women, the young and the less educated. In all, 701,000 ...
Landing a Full-Time Job in a Pandemic When the world was first learning about the implications of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, "We did see a lot of companies step back and reassess their hiring needs," Barnes says. "As a result, the amount of jobs ...
To further analyze the impact of changes in interprovincial trade barriers on the Chinese economy, we introduced changes in interprovincial trade costs in 2019–2020 into a calibrated, multiregional, multisector general equilibrium model of China and quantified the impact of changes in interprovincial ...