They have really cracked down b/c of the vaping situation and that causes him anxiety too. I feel like it's a vicious circle. Chantelle I live in Colorado where sadly everyone here is burying their heads in the sand about what legalizing marijuana has done to our children. My oldest ...
Limitation screen time: Instagram can be addicting, so try to balance your time on the app with various other activities in your life. Now that you understand exactly how to develop your account, check out, and share your very first blog post, you’re ready to join the Instagram area! En...
"Tobacco addiction is a hard addiction to break because even though there are far fewer people smoking than there used to be, it's a legal drug and it's a very addicting substance," said Leischow, who co-led Cancer Prevention and Control at Mayo Clinic Cancer Center before joining ASU i...
"Raising the age is not enough and won't work when tobacco and vape shops aren't even checking IDs of young purchasers. It is critical to also prohibit the flavored products that are enticing and addicting kids," he added. For the study, Roeseler's team sent 18- and 19-year-olds to ...