Do you like hot dogs? How about horseshoes? Hand grenades? (everyone likes hand grenades) Anyway, we've got all that, and guns. SO MANY GUNS. So if you like ordnance, meat, and far too many groan-worthy puns, this is the VR sandbox game for you.
Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand GrenadesStore | Hub 466 playing 12 min ago 531 24-hour peak 5,184 all-time peak ZoomFromDec 23, 2024ToDec 30, 202424. Dec25. Dec26. Dec27. Dec28. Dec29. Dec30. Dec20182020202220240500100048h7d1m3m6m1yAll Compare with others...MonthAvg. PlayersGain% ...
《热狗,马蹄和手榴弹》(Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades)是一款模拟射击场的射击类VR游戏。这是一款体验轻武器的拟真向作品,武器建模精细,操作流程拟真。拿m4a1举例,你能从方方面面最大程度感觉使用真实枪械的情况。 图集 基本资料 中文名称:热狗,马蹄和手雷 ...
Play Today onYour VR Headset(Uses SteamVR) Do you like hot dogs? How about horseshoes? Hand grenades? (Everyone likes hand grenades!) Anyway, we've got all that, and guns. SO MANY GUNS. So if you like ordnance, meat, and far too many groan-worthy puns, this is the VR sandbox gam...
Hot dogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades is a lazy Sunday trip over to your friends house… if your friend was a retired gun-nut with a warehouse full of toys, a few irritating robot pets, and a bizarre obsession with meat. Head on over to the firing range and learn to operate an arsen...
哪儿有那么难~2016-05-30 无界VR 无界VR《Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades》中文名《热狗,马蹄和手雷》,它是Steam上的一款枪械模拟仿真类游戏,制作相当精良。由于其仿真程度之高,在Steam上玩家给出了整整100篇好评。但也由于其仿真程度之高,导致玩家上手困难,为此无界VR特制了中文介绍视频给大家。强力推介...
游戏名称:Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades 云联动:少女前线(?)终于,终于终于,借到了高中时期某位不愿意透露姓名的好同志:黑德的VR,顺便还把他steam库里的一款VR游戏piao了过来但是这款游戏的话由于名字过长,所以看上面游戏名称那里就好了,以下简称‘热狗枪’了热狗枪这款游戏说白了就是一款VR的枪械模拟器,...
(原标题:Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades) 《热狗,马蹄和手榴弹》VR你很难想象如此荒诞的游戏会大卖,但事实上它就是一款在Steam平台上风声水起的模拟仿真类游戏。成为虚拟现实中的一名优秀的射手吧,前提是你得拥有HTC Vive。 《热狗,马蹄和手榴弹》VR可以让你享受到真实枪械带来的快感,在不同场景的射击场内,...
[VR游戏]热狗、马蹄和手榴弹(Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades)是一款充满趣味性的枪战游戏,快来一起下载体验吧 《热狗、马蹄和手榴弹(Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades)》你喜欢热狗吗?马蹄铁怎么样?手榴弹? (每个人都喜欢手榴弹)无论如何,我们得到了所有的肉狗马蹄铁和手榴弹,还有枪。所以,如果你喜欢...