Online Horse Courses - earn certification as a Professional Horse Trainer, Riding Instructor or Stable Manager. All lessons online.
Horse Training Videosmay seem like like it belongs in the horse training videos section. However, since Larry Trocha teaches all the courses, it is in this section instead. Larry is a western riding instructor, western horse trainer, and western rider who teaches numerous topics. There are vide...
Horse Courses Online offers a degree in equine studies and certification as a horse trainer, riding instructor or stable manager. Earn a degree in horse training, as a riding instructor or stable manager
Best Horse Riding Classes in Bangalore:Zippy offers horse riding classes to children & adults.Learn horse riding training in bangalore in Zippy.
receiving high scores in the care and training of horses as well as managing a farm. She is also listed as an assistant clinician for CHA and has IRD certification as a CHA instructor. This qualifies her to give horse riding lessons for children and adults, including those individuals with ...
I’m a professional horse trainer and instructor and expert in relational and training problems between horses & humans. Since I started working with horses professionally when I was 18 (in 1995), I have immersed myself in the behavior of horses and how to communicate with them so that they...
Best Horse Riding Classes in Bangalore:Zippy offers horse riding classes to children & adults.Learn horse riding training in bangalore in Zippy.
Horse Training Skills and Videos Are you Experiencing Groundwork & Horseback Riding Challenges? "My horse is difficult to catch..." "The more I do with my horse, the worse he behaves..." "I feel like my horse progress is 'two steps forward, then four back' every time I ask more.....
“The Instructor Course was to the point and very educational. This course has motivated me with new ways of presenting my business and teaching instructions.”– M. Miller, FL “The material presented in your classes was so complementary to the riding lessons I have been taking. This has be...
"Be bilateral in all of your training." - Monty RobertsA GOOD START FOR A RACEHORSE Lesson 4: Unusually Riding "Stay the course and smile." - Monty RobertsA GOOD START FOR A RACEHORSE Lesson 5: Building the Foundation with Unusually "Everything we do affected our horse." - Monty Rober...