1. honours当然比master在澳洲更被承认,这个是肯定的.因为能读honours的都是好苗子,成绩足够好学校才会给你发邀请信,不是人人都能读的.一般公司在选没有工作经验的毕业生时都按照honours,master,一般bachelor的顺序.而且honours读完如果能拿first class就直接读phd能到不错的学校,拿奖学金的几率也大.如...
荣誉学位 An Honours Degree 是在三年Bachelor课程的基础上额外学习的一年,旨在使学生有资格获得更高的学位(PhD或研究型Master)。 目前墨大New Generation Bachelor Degrees的课程长度为三年。带有荣誉称号的学位 A Degree with Honours通常指:在四年制Bachelor学位的最后一年颁发给在指定课程中获得规定荣誉成绩(如H1)的...
2004. Honours Degree Performance as Predictor of Achievement on Master's degree level, South African Journal of Higher Education, 18(1):290-302.Swanepoel, C.H & Moll, A.M. 2004. Honours degree performance as predictor of achievement on Master's degree level. SAJHE/SATHO 18(1): 290-302...
aA good first degree, ideally first class honours (or equivalent) and at least a 2:1. Applicants are normally expected to have a distinction at master's degree level, in a field relevant to the proposed research. Applicants for whom English is not their first language should include test ev...
Entry requires a Master of Science degree with first- or second-class Honours, or a relevant BSc (Hons) degree with first- class or second- class (Division 1) Honours from a recognised institution. PhD通常介入三到四年全时研究。 词条要求理科硕士与第一或第二等的荣誉或者相关的BSc (Hons)程度...
简介(Description) 208个字符 (一般不超过200字符) The University of Groningen has a high reputation for academic teaching and research and a large international network and offers degree programmes at Bachelor, Master and PhD levels in virtually every field.百度...
The University of Groningen has a high reputation for academic teaching and research and a large international network and offers degree programmes at Bachelor, Master and PhD levels in virtually every field. 百度关键词 7天 30天 前10名 前20名 前30名 前40名 前50名 0 0 0 0 0 前10名...
简介(Description) 208个字符 (一般不超过200字符) The University of Groningen has a high reputation for academic teaching and research and a large international network and offers degree programmes at Bachelor, Master and PhD levels in virtually every field.百度...
The University of Groningen has a high reputation for academic teaching and research and a large international network and offers degree programmes at Bachelor, Master and PhD levels in virtually every field.百度关键词 7天 30天 前10名 前20名 前30名 前40名 前50名 0 0 0 0 0 前10名...
Youssef El Asri