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Whatever universe you're looking to rep, our clothing range is up for the task. Whether you're a Disney adult or shopping for a young fan, there's something to match every taste and price point. Browse our full product range online today or visit your nearest store to take a look in...
With HMV still doing business, you've got time to nab yourself a few Blu-rays on the cheap, though the implications of the 91-year-old company's closure are fairly massive. The rise of convenient, cheap online shopping is blamed for the demise of established high-street chains, and it'...
E1 senior product manager, Martin Gough, comments: “With Twilight being the third largest DVD release of 2009, there is a lot of anticipation for the sequel New Moon. HMV’s suitably adapted New Moon logo is an extremely creative way of tapping into the fan in...
I'm guessing the decline in DVD sales has caused this as they actually overtook Amazon as the biggest retailer for physical music this year. Yes but if the overall physical music market is decreasing over time, taking over from Amazon as the top retailer of physical music this year in the...
HMV JAPAN 发表的该排行,是全国59家HMV店、以及ONLINE SHOPPING STORE「HMV ONLINE」「HMV MOBILE」的全年销售量TOP20排行。 在MUSIC DVD(日本音乐)排行中,东方神起有3首歌曲进入了TOP10(第一是,东方神起『4TH LIVE TOUR 2009 ~THE SECRET CODE~FINAL IN TOKYO DOME』)。 【MUSIC DVD(日本音乐)排行】 1...
It fell into administration for a second time in six years at the end of December, with a 30% decline in the DVD market over the Christmas period, alongside increased business rates, to blame. After Putman bought Sunrise Records in 2014, and three years later, the operation was bolstered...
Hello Goodbye 'First victim' of Christmas slump Brexit uncertainty and the growth of online shopping have hit British retailers particularly hard this year. Consumer confidence in Britain fell to its lowest level in five years in December, according to the GfK institute. ...