altertablemy_partition_test_tableifnotexistsaddpartition (p_hour='2017113003', p_city='573', p_loctype='MHA'); 已经创建好的分区表: INFO : Loading partition {p_hour=2017113003, p_city=573, p_loctype=MHA} INFO : Loading partition {p_hour=2017113019, p_city=579, p_loctype=MHA} INFO :...
特别提醒:在日常不管是创建库、表还是修改字段,删除等操作,建议都加上 [IF NOT EXISTS] | [IF EXISTS] 选项;虽然是可选项,但是还是小心为上,万一你在操作时没有加库名,又操作错了,那你哭都找不到地方。 This chapter explains how to create a table and how to insert data into it. The conventions of...
alter table t2 add partition (city=‘chengdu’) partition(city=‘tianjin’); 3> 添加分区指定位置 alter table log_mess add partition (year =2013,month=2,day=2) location ‘/user/2013/02/02’; --新的分区不在 log_mess的子目录中 4> 修改表,分区路径重新指定 alter table log_mess partition(...
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (dt='20130101') LOCATION '/user/hadoop/warehouse/table_name/dt=20130101'; //一次添加一个分区 1. 2. 一次添加多个分区 ALTER TABLE $abc$ ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION(p_provincecode=$abc.p_provincecode$,p_year=$abc.p_year$,p_month=$abc...
b、双分区建表语句:create table day_hour_table (id int, content string) partitioned by (dt string, hour string);双分区表,按天和小时分区,在表结构中新增加了dt和hour两列。 6、添加分区表语法(表已创建,在此基础上添加分区): ALTER TABLE table_name ADD partition_spec [ LOCATION 'location1' ]...
6.分区表 partition 1)静态分区 hive> create table order_partition( > ordernumber string, > eventtime string > ) > partitioned by (event_month string) > row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'; hive> LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/home/hadoop/data/order.txt' ...
修改分区表语法: 通过在ALTER TABLE语句中使用PARTITION子句,可以添加、重命名、交换(移动)、删除或归档分区 -- 新增分区 ALTER TABLE table_name ADD [IF NOT EXISTS] PARTITION partition_spec [LOCATION 'location'][, PARTITION partition_spec [LOCATION 'location'], ...]; partition_spec: : (partition_co...
hive> msck repair table order_partition; OK Partitions not in metastore: order_partition:event_month=2014-06 Repair: Added partition to metastore order_partition:event_month=2014-06 Time taken: 0.178 seconds, Fetched: 2 row(s) # 再次查看分区数据 ...
Hive alter table 博客分类: Hive hive 阅读更多 接 create table tablePartition(s string) partitioned by(pt string); alter table tablePartition add if not exists partition(pt='1'); alter table tablePartition set TBLPROPERTIES ('EXTERNAL'='TRUE'); ...
You can use ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION to add partitions to a table. Partition values should be quoted only if they are strings. The location must be a directory inside of which data files reside. (ADD PARTITION changes the table metadata but does not load data. If the data does not exis...