The history of money in one infographicJeff Desjardins
The history of money crisscrosses the world as various cultures recognize the need to simplify trade by introducing a single, portable token of value into the process. People bartered before the world began using money. The world’s oldest known coin minting site was located in China, which ...
The History of Money We use money every day to buy all kinds of things we need. It's a long time since money ap-peared in the world. Do you know its history?Long ago, money was not the same as the money we use today. Seashells, rings, bamboo sticks, wood and cloth were all ...
Passage4The history of moneyWhat's in your mother's purse? Open it and see. You can find somepaper money and bank cards. Both of them are “money". People can usemoney to buy food, clothes, cars, houses and so on.In old times, people didn't buy things. They exchanged things....
Coinsand PaperMoney Metals object s were introd ucedas moneyaround 5000 B.C. By 700 BC, the Lydian s became the firstin the Wester n worldto make coins. Countr ies were soon mintin g theirown series of ...
Metals objects were introduced as money around 5000 B.C. By 700 BC, the Lydians became the first in the Western world to make coins. Countries were soon minting their own series of coins with specific values. Metal was used because it was readily available, easy to work with and could ...
white with a little bit of yellow. The surface is very smooth. It is between one and three centimeters long. The small size and the physical beauty made the cowry shell a very popular kind of proto-money. In some parts of the world, people used cowrie shells as money until the 1800s...
As the longest as well as the oldest man-made waterway in the world, the Grand Canal has provided a close economic link between the North and the South of China and has now become a major tourist attraction. 03. 冬奥会 冬季奥林匹克运动会是世界上规模最大的冬季综合性运动会,每四年举办一...
Michael Jackson (Michael Jackson) known as the King of pop (the King of Pop), he has the world's first album, the sales of THRILLER, he was the first in the history of music in the United States sold hundreds of millions of records outside of the artist. Most successful artist he ...