这座著名的历史建筑遭到大火损毁。 而historical指过去发生的事情,或者“与历史相关的;根据历史改编的”。 His historical novel was based on that historic movement. 他的历史小说是以那场有历史意义的运动为原型的。 有一句话区分就是, not all hi...
讲座回顾 | The Frustration of Historical Writing 5月11日,东南大学人文学院副教授、历史学系副主任毕云老师应我系邀请,在海琴六号A324室作了题为“The Frustration of Historical Writing”的讲座。本次讲座由凌滟助理教授主持。 选题方面,毕老师指出...
BEIJING, June 3 (Xinhua) -- To the north of China's National Stadium, one can spot a building shaped like a traditional Chinese cauldron, or "ding." As indicated by its distinctive look, the building houses the Chinese Academy of History, one of the country's top institutions of histori...
Looking over tiled roofs toward Canton city wall and gate, 1893. 广州正北门,今称大北门,在今解放北路与盘福路相交处,是明代合筑三城时,把象岗山凿开个缺口建成的,所以在所有城门中地势最高,摄于1893年。 Image courtesy of Edward Bangs Drew Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University ...
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Revised and updated, this thoughtful, balanced and highly readable work provides a succinct, yet comprehensive and cohesive overview of China's path to modernization, preparing readers to understand the complex interaction between the Chinese cultural traditional and the internal and external pressures for...
「Video」The Birthplace of Phoenix Mountain Oolongs|Famous historical villages in Guangdong 凤凰单丛发祥地——走进潮州市潮安区凤凰镇乌岽村|南粤名村 Wudong village, Fenghuang town of Chaozhou, is a Cultural and Tourism Characteristic Village in Guangdong Province. Named after Wudong Mountain, Wudong...
Historical parks in Chengdu, capital of southwest China’s Sichuan Province, has been thrust to the spotlight since the opening of the 31st Universiade. JSBC has the story. People's Park, the most famous park in Chengdu, has a history of over a hundred years. Generation after generation of...
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