本地名称His Majesty's Theatre 位置倫敦, 英国 / 英國 国王陛下剧院 是伦敦西区的剧院之一,位于威斯敏斯特城干草市场,建立于1705年。当前剧院建筑的设计者是查尔斯·J·菲普斯,竣工于1897年。国王陛下剧院是伦敦最知名的剧院之一,剧院建筑也是英国II*级登录建筑。 历史上剧院曾应在位君主的性别而多次更名。其于...
'His Majesty's Theatre'是伦敦西区的一家剧院,原名“女王陛下剧院”,后更名为“国王陛下剧院”,是《歌剧魅影》的长期上演地和代表性剧目所在地。 His Majesty Theatre:伦敦西区的璀璨明珠 His Majesty Theatre的基本介绍 His Majesty's Theatre,即国王陛下剧院,是伦敦西区一家享有盛...
伦敦国王陛下剧院His Majesty's Theatre London 7.0 热度 4.6分 146条点评 具体营业时间请以预订时的演出时间为准。 实用攻略 Haymarket, St. James's, London SW1Y 4QL, United Kingdom 地图·周边 达人笔记 来伦敦女王剧院,看一场《剧院魅影》 雪3飞who 4555 堪比百老汇的伦敦西区,著名歌剧...
His Majesty’s Theatre was designed by English architect Charles J. Phipps and built in 1897. The building holds more than 1,200 people, and its interiors are classically Victorian, with a French Renaissance influence. That motif works well with the theater’s long-running production of Andrew...
查尔斯三世正式即位后,这家剧院的名字如今才又改回为国王陛下剧院(His Majesty's Theatre)。 查尔斯三世 从1576年英国伦敦建立了第一座大众剧院开始,无数剧院在英国的土地上起起伏伏。 但是女王陛下剧院却一直保存了下来,它是英国历史上在原址上现存的第二古老的剧院。 现存原址第一古老的剧院,是1663年同样建造在...
网络英皇剧场;皇家剧院 网络释义
Our address: Rosemount Viaduct, Aberdeen, AB25 1GL HIS MAJESTY’S THEATRE ACCESS INFORMATION no-logo His Majesty’s Theatre Location What's On His Majesty's Theatre What’s On Senior Youth Theatre Tue 14 Jan – Sat 15 Mar 2025 His Majesty's Theatre ...
In the early 19th century, the theatre hosted the opera company that was to move to the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, in 1847, and presented the first London performances of Mozart's La clemenza di Tito, Così fan tutte and Don Giovanni. It also hosted the Ballet of His Majesty's ...
His Majesty's Theatre5 分 1点评 Rosemount Viaduct, Aberdeen AB25 1GL英国 开放时间 1 5 分 给这里评分 发表 可以输入1000字 2019-08-16 08:30灯光舞美效果特别好,舞台非常气派不凡,很适合来看一出精彩的秀 His Majesty''s Theatre (HMT)很棒的剧院!灯光舞美效果特别...
Butler, Michael Kevin