She’s both a goddess and a sort of all-encompassing divine energy that’s the source of everything ever. Sometimes she’s worshipped in her own right, sometimes through other goddesses who are considered aspects or forms of hers (especially Parvati), and sometimes through other gods whose ...
From here, he went to the country known as Trang-srong, to the southeast, where the people worshipped the Mother Goddess; and Padma amplified their worship by teaching them how to invoke these goddesses. Going thence to the country of the flesh-eating Rakshasas, to the southwest, ruled ...
Then Bandasura created the asuras called Hiranyaksha, Hiranya Kasipu and Ravana. The Devi created the ten avatars of Vishnu and destroyed them. She killed all his army using Pasupathastra and killed him with Kameshwarasthra. The gods then praised her. She then recreated Manmatha for the ...
Religion, one of the inseparable institutions of human society has guided mankind in handling and conductzing himself with respect to every aspect of life and nature throughout the history across the world. In India, the divine perceptions brought out by religion have been deeply rooted in man’...