老明读书 - Alec Benjamin - The Hill I Will Die On (Lyrics)
呆十三 - Alec Benjamin - The Hill I Will Die On (lyrics video)
i'll die on this hill not for you but for me i've never been the type to get exactly what i need but i'll be damned if i let that define who i'm gonna be soon you'll find the heart where is my stage instead of just the lyrics on this page i cannot stop my words this is...
Red Vox Lyrics "Why Die On A Hill"Why die on a hill? Why live for yourself? If there's a meaning, lost it long ago Digging out a hole to throw another soul And here's a secret: We're not all just one thing Whatever that may bring, it's better than the brink Why die on a...
My one main goal is to ensure she does in fact die at home, but one can never truly be guaranteed of that outcome. I also worry about her being bored; her life is very small, very repetitive. It seems her whole day is simply about getting dressed, eating and then going to bed. ...
Do you think I have come to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. " - Jesus Christ, Luke's Gospel, 12: 49-51 This introduction theme from Luke's gospel was chosen because it cuts to the heart of all that we believe and work to achieve. Man has great potential thr...