the largest CH4uptake occurred in the afternoon (15:00–16:00), broadly corresponding to daily maxima in air temperature, PAR and ER (Fig.2a–c). Afternoon peak CH4uptake was two to five times higher than during nocturnal (04:00
Therefore, the difference before and after correcting for this effect is taken as the systematic uncertainty, yielding values which depend on centrality but are always less than 3%. The different systematic sources described above are added in quadrature to obtain the overall systematic uncer- taint...
“dope”,“hard shit”,“amazing”,“crazy shit”,“more hit than you”...老实说,看到一票美国本土真正的嘻哈人士的交口称赞,作为一个饶舌爱好者由衷的感到excited,中国说唱这一次不仅仅走出国门,而且在美利坚混的风生水起。单