New Jing-Zhang high-speed railway 0. 引言 2013年,北京牵手张家口成功申办了2022年冬季奥运会,作为冬奥会的重要基础配套设施,京张高铁连接了北京城区、延庆区和张家口三个冬奥会赛区,全长174公里,于2016年动工建设,它是世界上第一条设计时速为350公里的有砟轨道高速铁路。线路要穿越北京盆地、八达岭山区、官厅水...
New Jing-Zhang high-speed railway is not only an important supporting transportation infrastructure for the 2022 winter Olympics in Beijing, but also an important part of the eastern section of the "eight vertical and eight horizontal" Jinglan corridor t
关键词:正交试验法;空心车轴;优化;应力集中;影响因子 中图分类号:V270.2 文献标识码:A 0 引言 空心车轴能有效地降低车辆簧下质量,为进一步满足车轴轻量化的需求,许多国家已从不同角度着手研 究空心车轴,主要考虑车轴的疲劳分析和结构设计。石壕等通过再评价安全系数、镗削空心和使用新材料等 轻量化对策,能有效减...
4.Test and Research on Wear Resistance Material for High Speed Railway Freight Car Bogie;铁路高速货车转向架用耐磨材料试验研究 5.The finite elements analysis of the influence of friction force between rail and wheel of high speed lorry on the load bearing region of rail高速货车车轮摩擦力对钢轨承...
中小城市边缘型高铁枢纽站前地区规划布局研究——以永州市为例-research on the planning and layout of front station area of marginal high - speed railway hub in small and medium - sized cities —— taking yongzhou city as an example.docx,研究生学位论文独创