HSDB 英文全称High-Speed Data Bus 中文解释高速数据总线 缩写分类电子电工, HTBP超文本广播协议 HTBSL超媒体时基结构语言 HTU家庭终端设备 HVI高可见度图像 HVP高清晰度投影仪 HVS人类视觉系统 HWS超级作业系统 I-OCUISDN的局内信道单元 I2T智能接口技术
In this paper, we discuss a High Speed Data Bus (HSDB) architecture and evaluate Media Access Control (MAC) protocols. We simulated Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) and Reservation Access Protocols applicable to HSDB. Performance Metric including throughput, delay, queue length and station ...
The authors discuss a high-speed data bus for satellite (HSDB-S) architecture and evaluate media access control (MAC) protocols. They simulated the fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) protocol, which is applicable to HSDB, for asynchronous and synchronous traffic in terms of throughput, delay...
单词 High-Speed Data Bus 释义 SeeHSDB 随便看 American Shotcrete Association American Shotokan Karate Academy American Shotokan Karate Alliance American Shotokan Karate Federation American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Assessment American Shower & Bath American Show Horse ...
In high speed data bus,the passing token is consecutively passed along the logical ring by step 1, which is used to each station of the logical ring having messages to transmit.But when some stations in the logical ring have not messages to transmit,it is necessary for us to look for ...
The authors discuss a high-speed data bus for satellite (HSDB-S)\narchitecture and evaluate media access control (MAC) protocols. They\nsimulated the fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) protocol, which is\napplicable to HSDB, for asynchronous and synchronous traffic in terms of\nthroughput,...
The PROTOCOL is a distributed token passing computer protocol which operates over a dual redundant bus. The PROTOCOL is used as the communications standard to implement the high speed data bus (HSDB) module specification. The PROTOCOL and HSDB specifications are two of the pave pillar avionics ...