“高频交易”(High Frequency Trading)是近年来美国财经媒体中频繁出现的热门词汇之一。尽管在中国,这一概念对普通投资者而言仍相对陌生,但业内人士早已对其进行了深入研究和广泛讨论。根据国际通行的定义,高频…
英国算法和高频交易Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading专业课程学什么,算法和高频交易Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading作业不会写怎么办,考而思针对英国算法和高频交易Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading专业课程提供一对一课程辅导、作业题目讲解辅导、
Frequency response analysis and short-circuit impedance measurement in detection of winding deformation within power transformers S., Blackburn T., Phung T., Frequency response analysis and short-circuit impedance measurement in detection of winding deformation within power transformers... M Bagheri,Naderi...
High-frequency trading (HFT) uses powerful computer programs to transact a large number of orders in fractions of a second.
High Frequency Trading(HFT) Curbs in Chinaethical markets
High Frequency Trading高频交易及市场风险 High Frequency Trading ( HFT )高频交易饱受舆论诟病,主要是因为包括很多专家在内的行业人士将损失和市场操纵归咎于高频交易模式,而不是操作风险管理缺陷和违规交易,甚至将市场不公平也归咎于它,而不考虑大机构行为和监管漏洞。
High-frequency trading (HFT) is algorithmic trading characterized by high speed trade execution, an extremely large number of transactions,
Define High-Frequency Trading. High-Frequency Trading synonyms, High-Frequency Trading pronunciation, High-Frequency Trading translation, English dictionary definition of High-Frequency Trading. n. Abbr. HF A radio frequency in the range between 3 and 30
《High-Frequency Trading: A Practical Guide To Algorithmic Strategies And Trading Systems》(Irene Aldridge)内容简介: The second edition of High-Frequency Trading builds on the success of the initial version and inco...