Recent studies have shown that HFV ventilators do not perform equally, especially flow interrupters vs. membrane oscillators.25,26There are significant differences between the set and delivered ΔPOand the deliveredVOat different frequencies and conditions of the lung, which are relevant to the clinica...
Where ventilation has been severely impaired leading to poor gaseous exchange across the lung tissue, biomechanical therapeutic modalities such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and mechanical ventilators have been prescribed for such patients. Currently, Nasal High Flow therapy (NHFT), a ...
HFOV in premature neonates: effects on pulmonary mechanics and epithelial lining fluid cytokines. A randomized controlled trial. Intensive Care Med. 2005;31:463–70. Article PubMed Google Scholar Thome U, Kössel H, Lipowsky G, Porz F, Fürste HO, Genzel-Boroviczeny O, et al. Randomized ...
Home ventilators represent a strategy to prevent extended hospitalization, and based on our cases, home HFNC for BPD appears safe and effective, making it potentially useful for managing preterm infants requiring prolonged respiratory support in the future. 1. Introduction High-flow nasal cannulas (...
Lane1, Robert J. DiGeronimo1, Bradley A. Yoder1, and Kurt H. Albertine1,3,4 Background: Short-term high-frequency nasal ventilation (HFNV) of preterm neonates provides acceptable gas exchange compared to endotracheal intubation and intermittent man- datory ventilation (IMV). ...
Indications for HFV in adults and neonates include: Adults[6] It is mainly used in severe ARDS to prevent VILI. Large air leak syndromes with the inability to keep lungs open like bronchopleural fistula, pneumothorax, pulmonary interstitial emphysema ...
Several techniques of HFV exist. High-frequency positive-pressure ventilation is a modification of conventional pressure-limited ventilators, providing rates up to 150 breaths per minute.123High-frequency flow interrupters deliver high-pressure, short-duration breaths, with passive expiration.40High-frequen...
this final relationship for a non-dimensional pressure cost of achieving flow is built by combining two, potentially independent, parameters into a single parameter,\(\left(F\right)\); and, the relationship outlined in Eq. (8) contains no parameters related to the airway resistance or the flui...
The strict definition of inspiratory and expiratory time is determined from the zero crossing points of the flow waveform when air starts to move in and out of the airway. Many ventilators determine the I:E time from the on/off time of the mechanism generating the oscillatory flow. 5.1 Mean...
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) vs noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) vs noninvasive high frequency oscillation ventilation (NHFOV) as post-extubation support in preterm neonates: protocol for an assessor-blinded, multicenter, randomized controlled trial Yuan Shi & Daniele De Lu...