Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is a game that caters to nearly any audience: I liked it as a middle-school student and I still like it after finishing graduate school. My girlfriend likes it. My dad likes it. Heck, even my mom likes it. It is extremely family-friendly and "casual gam...
《魔法門之英雄無敵III:艾拉西亞的光復》(英語:Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia。通稱:英雄無敵3,英文縮寫:HoMM3、H3)是1999年由New World Computing在Windows平臺上開發的回合制策略魔幻遊戲,其出版商是3DO。稍後3DO和Loki Software分別推出了可以在蘋果機和Linux系統上運行的版本。這...
英3化英5MOD:H..此前我发过一个很有创意的MOD:Succession Wars延续的战争实现了“在英3上玩英2”本次带来一个思路类似的船新版本:“在英5上玩英3”!作者自述就是特别喜欢3代的世界观和5代的系统,所以制
POL_Shortcut "Heroes3.exe" "$SHORTCUT_NAME" "$SHORTCUT_NAME.png" "" "Game;StrategyGame;" POL_Shortcut_Document "$SHORTCUT_NAME" "$GOGROOT/Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete/Heroes3_Manual.pdf" # C:\GOG Games\Heroes of Might and Magic 3\Heroes3_AB_Manual.pdf # C:\GOG Games...
+ Armageddon's Blade + Shadow of Death, Version Française Combinée avec HoMM3 Complete US, ...
Complete item, resource, and treasure tables Strategies for defeating all enemies Essential town type flowcharts Creature generator production and creature cost charts In-depth walkthroughs of all scenarios 我要写书评 Heroes of Might and Magic III的书评 ···(全部 0 条) 论坛· ...
What is Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete? How popular is the Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete software and how to download it? We have collected thousands of software titles and know the answer! Free download of Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete available....
Heroes of Might and Magic III: Complete DRM-Free Download - PC Game - Full GOG Version Title: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Complete Genre(s): Strategy -
Heroes of Might & Magic III Complete|2002.01.15上市|策略战棋SLG 游戏平台: 游戏介绍 《魔法门之英雄无敌3》(Heroes of Might and Magic III:。通称英雄无敌3,英文缩写HoMM3)是1999年由New World Computing在Windows平台上开发的回合制策略魔幻游戏,其出版商是3DO。稍后3DO和Loki Software分别推出了可在苹果机...
英文名称:Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete Edition 游戏类型:策略类(SLG)游戏 游戏制作:New ...