The incidence of viral hepatitis B or C (HBV/HCV) infection and hepatocellular carcinoma is higher in male compared to female populations, showing a faster disease progression and results in a worse overall survival. Indeed, women are in general better protected from viral infections and show a ...
: Systematik und Klinik der chronischen Hepatitis. Med. Klin. 1969; 64: 2227–2241 PubMed CAS Google Scholar Ludwig, J.: The nomenclature of chronic active hepatitis: an orbituary. Gastroenterology 1993; 105: 274–278 PubMed CAS Google Scholar Rozario, R., Ramakrishna, B.: ...
Autoimmune hepatitis type 1: PanelA: anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) homogenous pattern on liver tissue. PanelB: anti-smooth muscle antibody (SMA) on kidney tissue showing staining of vessels (V), glomeruli (G) and tubules (T), VGT pattern. PanelC: combined ANA and SMA patterns. Autoimmune h...
Hepatitis B is a potentially life-threatening viral infection causing acute and chronic infection. In the World Health Organization (WHO) European Region, around 15 million people are infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Annually, 56,000 persons die, mostly due to chronic HBV infection-rel...
The human hepatoma cell lines HuH-7-Lunet BLR (A), PLC/PRF/5 (B) and HuH-7 (C) were transfected with RNA of ratHEV strains R63 or pt2, or HEV genotype 3 (GT3) strain 47832mc and analysed by RT-qPCR at the indicated time-points. ND: not detectable. 3.3. Characterization of ...
Corelli, F.: Der Icterus catarrhalis als allergische Hepatitis. Die allergische Entzündung der Leber und der Gallenwege. Etiopathogenetisches Studium. Dtsch. Arch. Klin. Med. 1940; 185: 600–625 Google Scholar Dane, D.S., Cameron, C.H., Briggs, M.: Virus-like particles in serum of ...
(e.g. hepatitis B, C and E, Wilson disease particularly in young patients, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and DILI). A liver biopsy is mandatory in the diagnostic work up of AIH. DILI resembling AIH can be very difficult to differentiate clinically and histologically from classical AIH, the ...
(HBV). Bei der chronischen Infektion sind in der Regel hohe Virusmengen und das virale Oberflächenprotein Hepatitis-B-Surface-Antigen (HBsAg) im Serum betroffener Patienten nachweisbar. Die Infektion mit dem Hepatitis-B-Virus kann beim Menschen zu einem akuten, im Erwachsenenalter meist ...
The first account of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) dates back to the 1950s, when Jan Waldenström described a group of young women affected by severe and fluctuating persistent hepatitis associated with acneiform rashes, spider angiomas, anovulatory ameno
Chronische Virushepatitis und ihre Behandlung mit Interferon alfa G. Hess 20 Accesses Zusammenfassung Eine Infektion mit dem Hepatitis-C-Virus ist für die Mehrzahl der parenteral übertragenen Non-A-Non-B-Hepatitiden verantwortlich. Das Virus konnte kürzlich als Flavivirus-ähnliches Virus ...