网络释义 1. 造血干细胞移植 以造血干细胞移植(hematopoietic stem cell transplantation)为例,医界将干细胞从静脉注入或直接打入受伤的心脏来治疗心脏…|基于192个网页 2. 造血干细胞移植学 医学专业课程中英对照 ... 小儿肿瘤学( Pediatric Oncology)造血干细胞移植学(Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transp...
Hematopoietic stem cellsRemarkable developments in the field of transplantation have created opportunities to address the formidable challenges of transplantation across histocompatibility barriers, stem cell expansion, and prevention of complications and generation of graft-vs-tumor activity to eradicate residual...
解析 HSCT的基本原理是将正常造血干细胞输入有关病人,替代异常造血干细胞,以重建病人的造血功能和免疫功能。 HSCT可采取骨髓移植(BMT)、外周血干细胞移植、脐血干细胞移植及胎干细胞移植等,发展较快的是外周血干细胞移植。 根据造血干细胞来源不同,又可分为异基因骨髓移植和自体造血干细胞移植。
This book integrates recent advances in molecular and cell biology of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) with developments in clinical research in stem cell-based therapy-providing an up-to-date review of novel cytokines and cellular components; animal models; cell preparation, selection, and collection;...
The field of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has undergone both evolutionary and dramatic changes over the past 25 years. This is evident by the fact that the term hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has effectively replaced the older term, bone marrow transplantation, due to the diverse ...
The transplantation department is led by Prof. Wu Tong, a renowned expert in hematology and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. It gathers domestic experts with rich experience in adult and pediatric transplantation, both theoretically and clinicall
单倍型相合骨髓移植 ...果没有全相合供者,可进行亲属间半相合骨髓移植,也叫单倍型相合骨髓移植(haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transpl…|基于 1 个网页 3. 半相合造血干细胞移植 半相合造血... ... ) Semi-correlation 半相关 )Haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation半相...
Hematopoietic stem cellsThe field of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has undergone both evolutionary and dramatic changes over the past 25 years. This is evident by the fact that the term hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has effectively replaced the older term, bone marrow transplantation,...
The Efficacy of an Oral Elemental Diet in Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation.口服饮食元素的功效在接受造血干细胞移植的患者 热度: HematopoieticStemCellTransplantation 周红升,PhD,MD DepartmentofHematology NanfangHospital Q&A BMTisaSurgery?
This chapter focuses Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and differentiates between allogeneic and autologous transplantations citing examples. HSCT has become an accepted therapeutic modality for a wide variety of diseases and is increasingly utilized for the treatment of malignant and non-malign...