Electronic Tracking for People with Dementia Who Get Lost outside the Home: A Study of the Experience of Familial Carers Purpose: The study aimed to elicit a description of GPS (global positioning system) tracking use in the care of people with dementia in domestic settings a... EB White,P...
For patients with Alzheimer’s, Tanzi explained, “What’s killing most of your nerve cells is neuroinflammation, where the brain has reacted against all these plaques and tangles and cell death with an inflammatory response. And only over the last 5 years, we’ve discovered the genes that c...
One might think such enormous spending ensures high-quality medical care and adequate support services. But quite the opposite is true. Medical care for people with Alzheimer's and other types of dementia in the U.S. —an estimated 7.2 million individuals, most of them seniors — is widely a...
Let’s stop caring about who has more people in a pew and start caring more for the hurting people not in our pews. Let’s start calculating ways to show Jesus’ love to the “never attenders” and “down-in-outers,” instead of building brownie points with power brokers in a denomin...
That night, when Murdaugh was interviewed by investigators, he was quick to offer up an explanation for the murders of his wife and son. In the first weeks of the trial, the jury was shown Alex Murdaugh's interviews with police. In this one from late on the night of the murders...
People who work in jobs that task the intellect are better able to withstand the effects of brain lesions commonly associated withAlzheimer's disease,report researchers from the University of Wisconsin's Alzheimer's Disease Research Center.