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玫丽网 Helena Rubinstein Prodigy Re-Plasty Age Recovery Skin Regeneration Accelerating Night Care历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名 Helena Rubinstein Prodigy Re-Plasty Age Recovery Skin Regeneration Accelerating Night Care
Helena Rubinstein - Pure Ritual Care-In-Lotion Skin Perfecting Lotion (200ml) 它结合了先进的护肤科技与奢华成分,为肌肤提供深层滋养与修复,令肌肤焕发自然光彩。 主要成分 氨基酸复合物:深层滋养,提升肌肤弹性。 植物萃取:舒缓肌肤,提供抗氧化保护。 透明质酸:锁水保湿,令肌肤水润饱满。 优点 深层滋润,改善肌...
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HELENA RUBINSTEIN STORY "The 1st self-made woman" Since 1902, the premium luxury skincare brand follows the vision of a pioneering and visionary woman, Helena Rubinstein. Determined and audacious, she has invented modern beauty as we know it today, inspiring women for decades to go. ...
The signature of Helena Rubinstein skincare is extreme performance of formulas, through high concentrations of active ingredients, associated with highly luxurious and exquisite textures. The re-positioning of our über-premium brand is a mission I have been proud to undertake for the past 13 ...
HELENA RUBINSTEIN赫莲娜HR 活颜修护晚霜 黑绷带玻色因抗老面霜 抗皱淡纹 紧致丰盈 100g【日本版】,品牌:赫莲娜,乳液 面霜-亚米。低价保证,100%正品保证,品牌官方授权,优质丰富精选的亚洲商品,无忧售后。
【日本直邮】日本 HELENA RUBINSTEIN 赫莲娜 绿宝瓶轻盈修护抗氧补水l护肤四件套 水200ml乳50ml精华50ml面霜49.5g,品牌:赫莲娜,精华 护肤套装-亚米。低价保证,100%正品保证,品牌官方授权,优质丰富精选的亚洲商品,无忧售后。
HR赫莲娜是由赫莲娜(Helena Rubinstein)女士在本世纪初创立,是欧莱雅集团旗下的定位为高端的美容品牌,在国际知名度较高。其明星产品就是生产的第一款防水型睫毛膏。这款HR 赫莲娜 PRODIGY POWERCELL 悦活新生肌源 眼部修护精华乳,和它家明星产品绿宝瓶属同一个系列,添加专利萃取“海洋堇”活性植物原生细胞,刺激细胞新...