#up{height:80px;}#down{height:calc(100%-80px);//The upperdivneedstohaveafixedheight,80pxin this case. } 以及更多关于它的信息:http: http
#up { height:80px;} #down { height: calc(100% - 80px);//The upper div needs to have a fixed height, 80px in this case. } 这里还有更多关于它的信息:http://css-tricks.com/a-couple-of-use-cases-for-calc/ 浏览器支持情况:http://caniuse.com/#feat=calc - Alvaro 1 我也一直在使...
Is it possible to do something like this max-width: calc(max(500px, 100% - 80px)) or max-width: max(500px, calc(100% - 80px))) The behaviour wanted is that to keep the element’s width 500px and it should not exceed that. If the viewport width is not enough to contain the elem...
Is it possible to do something like thismax-width: calc(max(500px, 100% - 80px))ormax-width: max(500px, calc(100% - 80px))) The behaviour wanted is that to keep the element’s width500pxand it should not exceed that. If the viewport width is not enough to contain the element, th...
y现在可以写calc(100vh - 80px)这样哦。 scroll={{ x: true, y: 'calc(100vh-30px)' }} y设置的无效 "antd": "^3.25.2", It should be ''scroll={{ x: true, y: 'calc(100vh - 30px)' }}''. You missed two spaces. Copy link ...
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Hi, Is there a way of making excel change the row height, dependant on the font size in the cells, e.g. if font size is 12, then make row height 18... Thanks Rob Robert1290 That complicates things enormously. I'd either unmerge the cells, or resize the rows manually. ...
Some tables have prices for all the cells, some have not (as per example with NA for a 1500x900). I guess we can deal with that by entering N-A into the price cells. My only question is: The first table that Hans kindly offered works fine in terms of the for...
Thanks, makes sense. One more question. In the attached file - cells E2:E10 show the total pricing for 7x different ranges of fabric. I've added conditional formatting to them, so that it colours them to show cheapest/most expensive range. Is there a way to conditiona...
When a worksheet contains rows with different heights, I would expect those heights to be automatically adjusted during a sort of the rows in that sheet. Alas, this appears to not be the case (At le... NikolinoDE, When looking at your formula above in black... I highlighted my entire ...