Most commentators of our own day accept the second meaning explained above, "confidence" or "assurance in regard to things hoped for." To adopt Dr. Vaughan's clear explanation, "Faith is that principle, that exercise of mind and soul, which has for its object things not seen but hoped ...
The exact meaning of the special terms here used it is not easy to ascertain. The word rendered “substance” has already occurred twice in the Epistle. InHebrews 1:3this was its true meaning—the essence which, so to speak, underlies, “stands under,” the qualities possessed. InHebrews ...
1 The writer begins his explanation of the significance of Melchizedek by referring to Ge... Heb 7:2 2 Abraham gave Melchizedek "a tenth of everything," i. e., of the spoils from the battle (cf. ... Heb 7:3 3 The terms "without father" and "without mother...
As for dealing with sins of believers, the New Covenant promise is,"I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."Heb 8:12The memory of one's sins are somewhat literally "burned up" and forgotten. What is left over, God rewards. We see this described in1Cor 3...
Check out more free resources on our website: Show Resources: The Shema: Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Original uses of the word Nephesh meaning throat: Psalm 23 Psalm 42:1-2 Isaiah 58:11 Show Music: Defender Instrumental: Rosasharn Music River Deep: Retro Soul (Danya Vo...
1 Kings 22:19;Daniel 7:10;Psalm 68:17; compare notes,Hebrews 12:1; see alsoRevelation 5:11;Matthew 26:53;Luke 2:13. The meaning is, that under the Christian dispensation Christians in their feelings and worship become united to this vast host of holy angelic beings. it is, of course...
(1) Therefore.--Since "for the time ye ought to be teachers," but have so perilously sunk down into the lower state of Christian knowledge and experience. The principles of the doctrine.--Rather, the doctrine of the first principles. The margin gives the literal meaning of the Greek, th...
Luke 8:11 Now this is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. Romans 1:16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, then to the Greek. ...
Hebrews 12:9. That passage, John 6, concerning theeatingof Christ’s flesh and thedrinkingof His blood, is very emphatic; we must not however stretch the meaning of the words too far. For Jesus there (as He sometimes did against harsh gainsayers) used a metaphorical mode of expression qu...
11-13.] The connexion with the foregoing cannot be made plain, till we have discussed the meaning of ἐξ ἑνός below. It may suffice to say, that the assertion, and the quotations, are subordinate to the πολλοὺς υἱούς in ver. 10. ...