Your body mass index (BMI) helps you estimate if you are underweight or overweight. Your BMI scores can help you set goals for your weight loss journey.
Body fat content correlates with maximum aerobic capacity in healthy sedentary Indian malesSrinivasa Bhattachar aAnuj Chawla bGaurav Sikri cSeema Patrikar d
The purpose of the present study was to investigate sexual differences in relationships among percent body fat (%Fat), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), waist-to-stature ratio (WSR), abdominal circumference to stature ratio (ASR), body mass Index (BMI) and skinfold thicknesses in healthy male and...
Total body fat percentage (%BF) evaluated by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans (DXA %BF) is widely recognized as a precise measure of fatness. We aimed to establish national reference curves for DXA %BF, %BF calculated from skinfolds (SF %BF) and waist circumference (WC) in...
Bodybuilders cannot use normal height-to-weight ratio charts because they are designed for people with less muscle mass. Muscle weighs more than the same amount of fat, so a bodybuilder consulting a chart that doesn't take more than average muscle into account may appear to be considered to...
Body fat distribution is gender specific: men tend to accumulate adipose tissue in the android region, whereas women tend to do so in the gynoid region. The aim of the study was to assess total fat mass (TFM), android fat (AF), and gynoid fat (GF) mass in a selected group of healt...
Body composition interpretation: Contributions of the fat-free mass index and the body fat mass index 2003, Nutrition Show abstract The theory and fundamentals of bioimpedance analysis in clinical status monitoring and diagnosis of diseases 2014, Sensors (Switzerland) Sarcopenia: European consensus on de...
Offers healthy fat free and low fat vegetarian recipes and easy vegan recipes with ingredients known to boost body's immunity and prolong life.
How do you deal with your body image issues? First 20 Comments:( See all 26 ) I look back (as a grown women) at my 20's, with my first husband, I was 125 lbs (5'5") and he used to tell me I was FAT. Here I am in my 50's and 180lbs and think to myself...was he...
Transition between cardiometabolic conditions and body weight among women: which paths increase the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases? Article Open access 12 June 2024 Levels and changes in body mass index decomposed into fat and fat-free mass index: relation to long-term all-cause mo...