MPNs arise as a consequence of clonal proliferation driven by at least one somatically acquired driver mutation. Of these, the most recurrent is JAK2V617F, which occurs in 495% of PV and 50–60% of ET and PMF cases. In patients without JAK2 mutations, somatic mutations in CALR are the ...
proliferation driven by at least one somatically acquired driver mutation. Of these, the most recurrent is JAK2 V617F , which occurs in 495% of PV and 50–60% of ET and PMF cases. In patients without JAK2 mutations, somatic mutations in CALR are the most common, occurring in well over...
which tags the 46/1 haplotype (PAR=17.4% compared with 11.8% for the tightly linked SNP rs12340895 inJAK2V617FandMPLmutation negative cases from our previous