The new 4-Cars diesel hybrid train will run between Niigata and Sakata.The gradient color exterior of the carriage presents an atmosphere of "Sunset" blending into "Fresh Snow", Aiming to create a new view of Niigata for passengers. 今天的乘车记录是:JR东日本·快速海里 - HB-E300系 Today's...
YouTube【4K】JR羽越本線HB-E300系ハイブリッド気動車「海里」、E653系1000番台「特急いなほ」、701系機器更新車、EF510形、キハ110系気動車到着・発車シーン集 酒田駅にて 2021.11
The new 4-Cars diesel hybrid train will run between Niigata and Sakata.The gradient color exterior of the carriage presents an atmosphere of "Sunset" blending into "Fresh Snow", Aiming to create a new view of Niigata for passengers. 今天的乘车记录是:JR东日本·快速海里 - HB-E300系 Today's...