The bike runs perfect I got it adjusted. perfect. It was running fine when I got it And it’s still running fine and they sent me a new car without me even asking I thought the bike was broken at first gave a bad review but I gotta change it now cause it’s running perfect. ...
Nobody gets under the skin of Mother Earth like a Nebraska farmer does so this year I submit my 1994 Dodge 4x4 with the legendary Cummins Turbo Diesel engine. It wasn't digging deep enough (or long enough) ruts in the dirt so I had the engine turned up to 1,000 lb ft of torque a...
Reviewer Product Review jeff G Verified Purchase 10/17/2023 First when it arrived it was encased in a metal shell to supposedly protect it, however the palette it was on was too short and the metal case was bent to hell. This is the second one we’ve bought and it was the same for...