Hard to find Whisky$33(£24.95)Buy now Havana Club 7 Year Old Anejo Rum Single Modernist Rum Age: 7 Size: 70cl ABV: 40% The Whisky Exchange$38(£28.50)Buy now Havana Club Anejo 7 Year Old Rum Age: 7 Size: 70cl ABV: 40% ...
Visit our favourite e-retailers, buy Havana Club rums online with only a few clicks, and get ready for your next (virtual) rum cocktail tasting.
品牌:哈瓦那俱乐部白朗姆酒(Havana club)分类:朗姆酒 原产地:古巴酒精度:40%vol容量:750 ml 原料: 水,甘蔗糖 口感:滑顺香甜的口感 品牌介绍 朗姆酒是古巴人的一种传统饮料,古巴朗姆酒是由酿酒大师把作为原料的甘蔗蜜糖制得的甘蔗烧酒装进白色的橡木桶,之后经过多年的精心酿制,使其产生一股独特的,无与伦比的口味...
Havana Club is an iconic brand of rum produced in Cuba. The brand was established in 1934 and nationalized after the Cuban Revolution in 1959. Through French drinks giant Pernod-Ricard, which has a deal with the Cuban government, Havana Club has been sold worldwide since the 1990s – except...
哈瓦那俱乐部7年黑朗姆酒展示了高品质古巴朗姆酒的多功能性,以及酒厂朗姆酒大师对复杂陈酿过程的坚定承诺和专业知识。 重量:1500.000克(g) 货号:G625A6B3FC66BD 配送费用:购物满150元免邮费 当前价格:已售完 购买数量: +- ※ 网站所标示的售价均为不含税价格,如需发票请在订单提交页面勾选开发票选项,详询客服。
为了打造“大师甄选之作”,朗姆酒调酒师选择了上好的陈年朗姆酒。随后,这些手工挑选、负有盛名的朗姆酒相互混合,再次陈放在特别挑选的木桶中,选择的木桶都拥有强大的芳香潜能,朗姆酒在这里发酵出自己的特色与浓郁口感。在整个工艺最后,朗姆酒调酒师们聚在一起,选择出组成最终成品的朗姆酒,然后以 45% 的...
Retrosuperfuture and Havana Club come together to celebrate Havana as an inspiration: the culture, the city and the acetate. Throughout a capsule collection and a series of e-events, we cheer to the arts and craftsmanship of today’s scene. From Havana: the city, the rum, the material, ...
Havana Club Añejo 7 Años 是一款时尚而异常醇厚的朗姆酒。入口饱满、丝滑,带来一种均衡而极其复杂的口感,包含细腻、充满生气的热可可、香草、甘蔗、栗子和焦糖化的热带果味,同时依靠紧密、光滑的橡木和深棕辛香料作为支撑。依靠浓郁但不失圆润、光滑的余味,它那复杂的陈年香调与让人联想到甘蔗原料的清...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现特调 哈瓦纳3年 Havana Club 3 yo 朗姆酒rum基酒烈酒古巴进口的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于特调 哈瓦纳3年 Havana Club 3 yo 朗姆酒rum基酒烈酒古巴进口的信息,请来淘宝深
Where is the real havana club currently made? Today, the real Havana Club is made in Puerto Rico using the original 1934 recipe created in Cuba. How is the real havana club currently made? The Arechabala family pioneered the concept of double-aging rum, which imparts a unique, smooth fla...