杂志名称:哈佛商业评论英文版(Harvard Business Review) 期数:6 页码: 适读人群: 出版周期:双月刊 刊号: 开本: 销售状态:在销 单期定价:300 ISBN: 出版单位:哈佛商业评论英文版(Harvard Business Review) 产品标签: 热点新刊推荐 50折 【包邮】 知识星球(Highlights中文版)(1年共12期)(杂志订阅) ¥120.00 ...
哈佛商业评论 Harvard Business Review 2019年11月12月 高清PDF下载 持续更新 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dpaXkU 提取码:thpb
BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--A longtime tech CEO tops Harvard Business Review’s2019 ranking of the 100 best-performing CEOsin the S&P Global 1200—and it’s not who you might think. Jensen Huang, CEO of the U.S. technology company NVIDIA, moved into the #1 spot for the first time this ...
Don’t Let Metrics Undermine Your Business 不要讓指標破壞您的業務 Michael Harris Bill Tayler From the September–October 2019 Issue Gelber Apotheker在2014-17年的時候也是Wells Fargo的用戶,它的ONLINE BANKING介面和功能我覺得做的不錯,它會清楚地告訴你每一筆消費是甚麼category(類別),然後有圖表可以...
线上评论vs.线下评论,哪个更值得关注布拉德·费伊数据分析公司Engagement Labs埃德·凯勒数据分析公司Engagement Labs里克·拉金数据分析公司Engagement Labs科恩·保维尔斯东北大学达莫尔一麦金商学院唐晓丽《哈佛商业评论》哈佛商业评论
美国版harvard business review佛商业评论2018年合集全10本hbr.pdf,HOW CEOs MANAGE TIME Michael E. Porter and Nitin Nohria PAGE 42 JAMIE DIMON ON RUNNING HBR.ORG AMERICA’S BIGGEST BANK JULY–AUGUST 2018 THE HBR INTERVIE by Adi Ignatius PAGE 124 ARE YOU TOO
A version of this article first appeared in theHarvard Business Review VC’s have just changed the ~50-year old social contract with startup employees. In doing so they may have removed one of the key incentives that made startups different from working in a large company. ...
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In 1932, Mark S. Kramer borrowed $300 from his parents to open a small store for used and remaindered books (books a publisher is trying to quickly get rid of). Today, the store is still independent: Mark’s son, Frank, sold it in 2008 to longtime customers Jeff Mayersohn and Linda...