赶紧通过[1.Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.txt]一探究竟吧! 你觉得这种资源对你用处大不,还有啥别的类型资源想知道吗?
电影里有童话书里没写到的故事,有课堂上没讲过的知识,有另一个值得探索的世界。电影里有很多人生道理——人生就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一块是什么味道。 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 哈利·波特与魔法石 豆瓣评分9.1...
《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone》是1999年Scholastic Paperbacks出版的图书,作者是J.K. Rowling。内容简介 Harry Potter has never played a sport while flying on a broomstick. He's never worn a Cloak of Invisibility, befriended a giant, or helped hatch a dragon. All Harry knows is a ...
哈里·波特在十一岁生日时发现自己已逝的父母是两位法力高强的巫师,并且他自己也拥有独特的魔力。有一日他收到一封神秘的信,邀请他往魔法学校里就读。在那他结识了几位朋友他们成为他最亲密的伙伴,他们帮他在强大对手口中找到了他父母死亡的真相……哈里·波特(Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) 【关闭...
Harry Potter: The Complete 8 Film Collection 2014 From $78.99 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone & The Harry Potter Magical Movie Mode 2021 From $14.99 Wizarding World 11-Film Collection 2022 From $94.99 WB 100 25-Film Collection Volume Three - Fantasy, Action, & Adventure ...
书名:Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 作者:J.K. Rowling 篇幅:309页 用时:15天 词典:有道词典、Merriam Webster 成果: 这是上网买来的书,是我读的第四本本英文原著。每次读20-30页。 一共查了505个单词。 查过的单词: foghorn、stump、swish、squeal、hiss、wriggle、rap、stitch、peppermint、marmal...
J. K. Rowling(J.K.罗琳)《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone》《哈利·波特与魔法石》解析目录 J. K. Rowling(J.K.罗琳)简介《哈利·波特与魔法石》的历史背景与《哈利·波特与魔法石》相关的其他书籍关于…
Thisweek, peer into the Mirror of Erised with us as Harry discovers another one of Hogwarts’s many mysteries. Illustration by Jim Kay © Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Enjoy another audio extract fromHarry Potter and the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stonewith reader, Stephen Fry, as we explore this...