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读到后面,哈利波特与凤凰社,海格讲巨人那部分,不禁想起了这句对达力为什么成为头儿的解释。 “They stuff people's heads down the toilet the first day at Stonewall,” he told Harry. “Want to come upstairs and practice?”“No, thanks,” said Harry. “The poor toilet's never had anything as h...
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone的创作者· ··· J·K·罗琳作者 作者简介· ··· Although she writes under the pen name J.K. Rowling, pronounced like rolling,her name when her first Harry Potter book was published was simply Joanne Rowling. Anticipating that the target audience of...
Harry Potter and Sorcerer’s Stone_3 1. That evening, Dudley paraded around the living room for the family in his brand-new uniform. Smeltings' boys woremaroon tailcoats, orangeknickerbockers, and flatstrawhats calledboaters. They also carriedknobblysticks, used for hitting each other while ...
Chapter 3 The Letters From No One This chapter showed the great horror in Mr Dursley's heart when he saw the addresses on the letters given to Harry which read the definite locations--the cupboard under the stairs and Railview Hotel--Harry once lived.I guess that he might be afraid to ...
CHAPTER THREE THE LETTERS FROM NO ONE The escape of the Brazilian boa constrictor earned Harry his longest-ever punishment. By the time he was allowed out of his cupboard again, the summer holidays had started and Dudley had already broken his new video camera, crashed his remote control airpl...
《哈利·波特与魔法石》(英国版《Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone》,美国版《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone》),是英国女作家J.K.罗琳创作的长篇小说,《哈利·波特》系列小说的第一部。该作的英文原版1997年6月26日在英国出版;中文繁体版2000年6月23日出版;中文简体版2000年9月出版。
电影里有童话书里没写到的故事,有课堂上没讲过的知识,有另一个值得探索的世界。电影里有很多人生道理——人生就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一块是什么味道。 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 哈利·波特与魔法石 豆瓣评分9.1...
读过Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 书名: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 作者: J.K. Rowling 页数: 309 出版社: Scholastic 出版年: 1998-10 chapter 1 12个笔记 CHAPTER ONE The Boy Who Lived 普信家庭。admire, no finer boy anywhere,unconditional love ...