Discontinued in 1992.2001: Harley-Davidson XL883R model introduced with a 2-1 exhaust, black engine and new (dual) seat. Later gains spoked, cast alloy wheels.2003: Harley-Davidson XL883/L Sportster introduced with rubber-mounted engine, lower seat and a lighter clutch. Also, 883C Custom ...
Harley-Davidson Sportster車系成功在消費者眼中,成為巡航車款的代名詞 香帥重機目前除了中國市場之外,並沒有在其他海外市場發展。整輛車的外觀上來看,XN650N完完全全就是複製了Harley-Davidson Sportster 883的設計。整輛車最明顯的油箱、頭燈和引擎護蓋基本上就和Sportster 883一模一樣,不仔細看你還看不太出兩者在...
XL 883 Sportster 883 This most-affordable Harley-Davidson model offers the distinctive sound and performance of American V-Twin power in a package that’s narrow and easy to handle. From the classic “peanut” fuel tank to the chrome Staggered Shorty Dual exhaust, the XL 883 maintains Sportst...
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Sportster S準備出發 學習騎乘 無論您是經驗豐富的騎士,還是剛入門,請聯繫您的經銷商,了解為各種技能水準量身打造的機會。 瞭解更多 活動 從當地騎行活動到經銷商活動,再到為期多天的集會,我們為各類騎士提供世界級的重車體驗。查看活動行事曆 租賃 騎上Harley-Davidson 授權租賃服務和 EagleRider Rentals and ...
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