HARLEY-DAVIDSON 一个世纪以来,哈雷戴维森一直是自由大道,原始动力和美好时光的代名词,密尔沃基摩托车的形象在车迷心中生根发芽,他们狂热地忠诚于V型双缸驱动的摩托车以及他的名字-哈雷戴维森。哈雷一直怀着燃烧的热情,把一台摩托车打造成一件艺术品。经过110年的淬炼,矢志不渝精益求精,持续改进。时至今日,哈雷戴维森...
2024 Fat Bob™ TRIM: Black COLOUR Billiard Gray *Vehicle shown may vary visually by market and may differ from vehicles manufactured and delivered. Availability may vary by market, please see your local dealer for details. Shopping Tools ...
这台2018款Harley-Davidson Fat Bob 114的改装版,由波兰gameovercycles工作室精心打造,其设计灵感源自《疯狂的麦克斯》中的经典道具车。因此,这款车被命名为“Fat Max”,寓意着在末日世界里,它能以惊人的马力和速度,带领你尽情狂奔。虽然目前这还只是一种设想,但未来有一天,这样的冒险之旅或许真的能够实现。
‘hard to do and hard to copy.’ Harley-Davidson motorcycles are not a commodity; they are handed down from generation to generation,” said Brad Richards, vice president of styling and design, Harley-Davidson. “We look at every nut and bolt on the bike, all the finishes, and...
来自波兰gameovercycles工作室的改装作品,原型是一台2018款Harley-Davidson Fat Bob 114,它的改装灵感来自《疯狂的麦克斯》里的道具车,因此,连车的名字都被定为了“Fat Max”,这是一款马力很大、速度很快的车,可以带着你在末日世界里狂奔,当然前提是有这么一天。
Open Road Harley-Davidson is a dealership located in Fond du Lac, WI. We sell new and pre-owned motorcycles with finance and pricing, offers service and parts!
The Harley-Davidson® Street Bob® gets a tougher profile for 2013 with new blacked-out triple clamps and powertrain, and a chopped rear fender with side-mounted license plate and stop/turn/tail lights. This rowdy Dyna bobber features a solo seat and mini-ape handlebar mounted on new ris...
2023款 哈雷(Harley Davidson)巡航摩托车 Fat Bob 114 发布于2023.6.7 10:22 次播放春风行摩托车之家 关注0人3293粉丝关注 评论·2 提交评论 爱生活奥古斯丁9Y8 最丑的哈雷。 2024-02-24回复举报0人 点赞 用户5937505364461 好! 2023-06-20回复举报0人 点赞 暂无更多评论 ...
哈雷Harley-Davidson Josh Parker-Fat Bob 114肥仔 凌晨的太阳车发布时间:08-28 15:02 0 全部评论 (0) 暂无评论销量排行榜 总榜单 Model Y 24.99-35.49万 全国销量48202 查报价单 海鸥 6.98-8.58万 全国销量47915 查报价单 宋PLUS新能源 12.98-18.98万 全国销量42382 查报价单 人气排行榜 总榜单 星瑞 ...
Shop Harley-Davidson Cruiser motorcycles for a premium riding experience. These cruisers offer a mix of technology and style.