大小写变形:HareHARE 词态变化 复数:hares; 第三人称单数:hares; 过去式:hared; 过去分词:hared; 现在分词:haring; 实用场景例句 全部 野兔 飞跑 ...an over-protective mother who keepsharingoff to ring the babysitter. 过于爱护孩子而不断地跑去给保姆打电话的母亲 ...
hare是什么意思、hare怎么读 读音:英[heə] 美[hɛr] 四级六级 hare 基本解释 n. 野兔;怪人,傻瓜 vt.& vi. 飞跑,疾走 hare 网络释义 n. 野兔 n. (Hare)人名;(印)哈雷;(英)黑尔;(法)阿尔 hare 词性变化 名词复数形式:hares 现在分词:haring 过去式:hared 第三人称单数:hares 过去分词:hared ...
英文单词rabbit一般指家养或者宠物兔子。英文单词hare多指野兔。兔子的另外一个英文bunny指的则是兔宝宝,是兔子的昵称,一般用于儿语。一般来说,兔年的英文表达是Year of the Rabbit。需要注意的是,实词Year和Rabbit的首字母大写,生肖前加定冠词the。“我属兔”英文怎么说 生肖的英文可以说Chinese zodiac,单个生肖...
而在日前,软件开发者 Drew DeVault 宣布了一种名为 Hare(野兔)的系统编程语言,目标直指 C 语言。 Hare正式发布! 作为一种系统编程语言,Drew DeVault 称 Hare 的开发是由 30 位工程师耗时两年开发而成,旨在成为一种“简单、稳定和健壮”的语言。
The meaning of HARE is any of various swift, gnawing, herbivorous, usually shy lagomorph mammals (family Leporidae and especially genus Lepus) that have long ears, short tails, and powerful long hind legs, are usually solitary or sometimes live in pairs,
Hare definition: any rodentlike mammal of the genus Lepus, of the family Leporidae, having long ears, a divided upper lip, and long hind limbs adapted for leaping.. See examples of HARE used in a sentence.
世界上先后涌现 300 多种编程语言,而 Hare 偏偏把矛头指向了最强大的那个——C 语言。没错,Hare 的目标就是取代过去 50 年来最重要的编程语言。 Hare 的价值主张 DeVault 和大约 30 名项目贡献者已经在 Hare 身上投入了两年半时间。如今成果终于出炉,Hare 面向开发者正式开放。
To bridge this gap in human activity recognition, we introduce HARE (human activity recognition engineering), a comprehensive framework that revolutionizes the traditional HAR process as illustrated inFigure 1. HARE stands out by offering a holistic approach, catering to essential researcher needs ranging...