Define hara-kiri. hara-kiri synonyms, hara-kiri pronunciation, hara-kiri translation, English dictionary definition of hara-kiri. also ha·ri-ka·ri n. pl. ha·ra-ki·ris also ha·ri-ka·ris See seppuku . American Heritage® Dictionary of the English L
Hara-kiri mensuel journal bête et mechant n°194 - le catch porno : est-ce encore du sport ? Hara-kiri mensuel journal bête et mechant n°266 - reiser va mieux ! il est alle au cimetiere a pied 'ole' Hara Kiri - Les belles images - 1960-1985 ...
The girl who committed hara-kiri and other clinical and historical essays by Franco Borgogno with a Foreword by Peter L. Rudnytsky Karnac Books, London, 2013; 402 pp; £34.94doi:10.1111/1745-8315.12374StevenLondonSW15GroarkeLondonSW15