What is a hanging indent in APA format? APA format stands for the American Psychology Association and the formatting is used when writing in the psychology, linguistics, or sociology academic fields. When writing academically and following the APA style, the References page needs to have each entr...
HangingindentforaWorksCited(MLA)orReferences(APA)page. •Ifyouhaven’talreadyformattedyourdocument(Font,Margins,Spacing)seethe FormattingMSWord2007pdfdocument. •Ifyouhavealreadystartedtypingyourpaper,createanewpagebyholdingdowntheCtrl keyandhittingtheEnterkey.YoucanalsodothisfromtheInsertTab->PageBreak. ...
First-line indentis a style you often see inbooksand newspapers. The first line of every paragraph is indented. Hanging indentis most commonly used forcitations. If you’re writing a bibliography or works cited in the Chicago, APA, or MLA citation styles, you’ll use the hanging indent. ...